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Gridlogics Brings Pro Analytic Features to the Web with Introduction of PatSeer Pro

Gridlogics Brings Pro Analytic Features to the Web with Introduction of PatSeer Pro
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Gridlogics has been an established player for many years in the patent search, and analysis industry. Their Patent iNSIGHT Pro application was one of the early examples of a broad ranging patent analysis platform, but it required the user to import data from other sources. The company addressed this need when they launched PatSeer, a primarily tool used primarily for patent searching. Some limited analytics were included in PatSeer, but the real patent analysis heavy lifting was done in Patent iNSIGHT Pro. Now with the PatSeer Pro edition the robust patent data collection of PatSeer is directly coupled with the tool set associated with Patent iNSIGHT Pro into one seamless platform available on the Web. The press release discussing this new advance is provided below:

Gridlogics launches PatSeer Pro – a breakthrough web based patent analytics and landscaping platform

PatSeer Pro combines the power of PatSeer’s global search and collaboration capabilities with the powerful patent analysis tools of Patent iNSIGHT Pro in a single integrated web based platform.

Pune, India – August 24th 2016: Gridlogics a leading provider of software solutions for patent research, analysis and project management today announced the launch of its most anticipated product PatSeer Pro™, extending the company’s portfolio of solutions for Intellectual Property research. With this new edition of PatSeer, companies can leverage Patent iNSIGHT Pro’s advanced algorithms and visualizations that have been perfected and refined over the last 10 years for powerful analytics with the best of PatSeer’s Searching and collaboration capabilities.

Launched in 2012, Gridlogics’s software-as-service global patent database PatSeer has grown to thousands of users across 28+ countries, and also now provides the world’s most comprehensive full-text patent collection.

PatSeer Pro includes a comprehensive set of analytical tools needed for precise technology landscaping, and competitive intelligence projects such as Assignee cleanup tools, Co-occurrence Matrices, configurable Chart Dashboards, multi-generation Citation Analysis, Text Clustering and VizMAP – a spatial exploration and contour mapping visualization engine. These flexible tools were present in Patent iNSIGHT Pro™ and have been redeveloped from the ground up on a web 2.0 architecture to allow for seamless integration into PatSeer. As a result, PatSeer Pro is now a completely browser based system that doesn’t require any installation on the user’s computer.

PatSeer Pro also builds upon the pioneering collaboration capabilities of PatSeer Premier and users have complete control on the portions of search or analysis they wish to share with colleagues or end users. So patent analysts can now share powerful matrices and visualizations and drive faster decision making with unparalleled interactivity.

“We have worked with many patent analysts across corporates and service providers globally and there was a need for a unified collaborative platform for patent data research and analytics which could also be also used as a delivery platform offering interactive displays and insights to the management personnel. Existing online analytic solutions do not give the cleanup and analytic flexibility required to deliver precise actionable insights. PatSeer Pro is the first patent analysis solution that combines all five critical modules – search, cleanup, analysis, collaboration and delivery into a single platform just the way IP analysts want.” said Manish Sinha, Chief Technology Officer, Gridlogics. “To search and mine our collection of 102+ million patent records we have implemented the best of big-data analysis techniques that give users a seamless on-the-fly analysis experience.”

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